Sunday, May 4, 2014

Giani Granite Review!!

Hey everyone, I have one of the coolest reviews yet for you all today! Basically, this product is like paint for your tables and counter tops; to make your boring and ugly tables and such, look amazing! Like real granite! This is an awesome product! The pictures I will be showing you are before and after pictures of just a small table I did. I hope you think it is as great as I did!

Before receiving the Bombay Black Giani Kit, this table was just a boring white table. We then painted our masterpiece!

The first step, after cleaning the table off, was applying the black primer. The kit also came with pretty much everything you need, just not a paint tray. If you were to order one of their other colors they have, I'm sure the primer wouldn't be black, but I'm not 100% sure. You then let the primer dry for about eight hours.

The kit I received came with three different colors to pat onto the primer after its dry. This was the best part, besides the finished product! You can basically do whatever design you wish to do during this. You start by taking the sponge, included in the kit, then pat the white paint on in a small section, not letting it dry before following with the black. You finish with the bronze. It turned out amazing, but I personally think there was too much bronze, but this was kind of a practice run.

After you sponge on the colors, you let them dry. Now, you apply the top coat, let it dry, apply another layer, let that dry, then you're done! Hello brand new table!!

You are supposed to wait a day or so to put anything back on your table or counters, to make sure its completely dry and hardened.

This table turned out amazing! I can guarantee that when I get my own house, I will be getting more kits from them to redo my kitchen and bathroom! Its definitely an inexpensive way to have a fabulous kitchen!

Giani Granite also offers other colors:

Sicilian Sand

Saphire Blue

Bombay Black

Chocolate Brown

Emerald Green

Roma Red

White Diamond

They also offer cabinet paints for cupboards. To check these out, click here!

Another cool feature stainless steel paint, for appliances! Check them out here!

You can get your new kitchen on their website! Like their Facebook page, follow them on Pinterest. Be sure to check out more creations on their online photo gallery! You wont be disappointed!

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