Saturday, May 17, 2014

NeoCell review & Giveaway!!

I was given the chance to do a review on NeoCell's Keratin hair Volumizer pills. I figured I might as well give them a try since I dye my hair so often, it's far from being strong and healthy! It also falls out a lot when I brush it or wash it, like an abnormal amount! I gave myself about two weeks to take the pills as directed before writing this review, and I will have to say they do work! My hair looks and feels healthier already! It doesn't fall out as much as it did before!

The Keratin Hair Volumizer pills are all natural and leaves your hair feeling strong and thicker! These are great for people who have thin or thinning hair and want a little volume, that's for sure! The key ingredients in these pills are, Vitamin C, Alma Extract, Cynatine HNS Solubilized Keratin and Hydrolyzed Super Collagen. 

Vanity Fair Magazine had a great response to these pills as well, you can read that here! You can get these pills at Walgreen's and CVS Pharmacies. You can also order them from the NeoCell website! Like their Facebook page. Follow them on Instagram! Follow them on Twitter!

Giveaway Time!
NeoCell has been kind enough to offer my readers a giveaway of the Keratin Hair Volumizer pills!
**Giveaway Starts: 5/18/14 @ 12AM **
**Giveaway Ends: 5/25/14 @ 12AM **
Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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