Tuesday, June 3, 2014

NovaKera Review & Giveaway!

One thing I hate about winter, other than it being terribly cold and the roads being horrible, dry cracked skin! I received NovaKera's 7-Day Healthy Skin Cream to review for you guys, and I must say, it has worked wonders on my hands and feet! I don't have terribly cracked heels, but they aren't pretty either! I used this cream everyday, randomly throughout the day, for seven days. My feet are now smooth as a baby's butt! 

This cream is also great for split fingertips, so if you work with a lot of chemicals throughout the day, this would be ideal for you! Also, it's good for dry elbows, yeah, mine aren't dry and my fingertips aren't split, so I just stuck with my feet on this one! You can apply this stuff when needed throughout the day. It also has a very strong citrus smell, the first time I used it, I was like holy cow! Where is that orangey smell coming from!? But it smells great!

No, these are not my feet! ;)

You can get your NovaKera 7-Day Healthy Skin Cream at their website! Also, like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter and subscribe to their YouTube Channel!

Giveaway Time!!
NovaKera has offered three of my readers to win a .2oz tube of their 7-Day Healthy Skin Cream!
** Giveaway Starts: 6/5/14 @ 12AM **
** Giveaway Ends: 6/12/14 @ 12AM **
Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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