Sunday, April 13, 2014

Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special Shampoo and Conditioner!

I ventured over to my neighbors house the other day and used his bathroom when I realized he of all people, had this shampoo and conditioner! I was like, how on earth does he, who has barely any hair, have better shampoo than I do!? So I went home, grabbed a towel and some clothes and took a shower just to use his stuff instead of my cheap Dollar Tree shampoo and conditioner. Oh my gosh!! It was amazing!! My hair was soft and smooth, not frizzy at all, and best of all, my scalp was tingling in the most amazing way! Needless to say, I absolutely loved it!

I have never been the type to buy the "good" shampoos and conditioners, like from the salon, so this will be a once in a life time experience for me unless I get it as a gift for m birthday or Christmas, or Easter, since it's only a week away!! Wink! Wink! To any family members or friends who want to be extra nice!

In case you are curious as to what is in this stuff to make it so awesome, it has natural tea tree oil, peppermint and lavender. So it also has this amazing fresh smell. I'm telling you though, while I was in the shower using this product and falling in love with it, it was almost like I was sitting in a sauna filled with Vics Vapor rub. My nose even cleared up, my face also felt really fresh. I know you would normally not get this feeling from shampoos and conditioners, but it was pretty amazing!

If you are interested in trying this incredible product, you can find it and many other Paul Mitchell hair products on their Website.

1 comment:

  1. This is supposed to be the best shampoo in the world for dandruff... Ive had many people reccomend it. The salon where Jen works at sells this in a kit for 20 dollars :)
