Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Be Fit Mom Review!!

Being a mom has given me all sorts of new reasons to be self conscious of my body, new stretch marks, a scar from a c section, and belly fat that wasn't there as much before I got pregnant. I found this site and thought I would give it a try. As I looked through the Excessive After Pregnancy: How to Look and Feel Your Best book, I think to myself how much I would've loved this book right after having my boys. But, without a doubt and finding some spare time between taking care of them two, attempting to keep my house clean and not losing my mind, I feel this book would be great for any mom who is trying to lose that baby weight!

Be Fit Mom also sent me their Tender Lullabies: Soothing Classic Piano Melodies CD. This is basically to help your baby and probably yourself sleep better. All of us mom's know how it is to get hardly any sleep those first few months, my kids are almost two and they still don't sleep through the night! I played this CD for them one night and Jordin slept all night, but Jacob wasn't having it. He has this thing where he seems to think he has to sleep with me every night! He's been a momma's boy since he was born. Unluckily for him and myself, I sleep on the couch every night, so it doesn't seem to work that well. Plus, my kids have to watch their favorite movie every night while going to bed, Pitch Perfect.

The last product Be Fit Mom has sent to me is their Bounce Back Fast! Post Natal Core Conditioning DVD. This is like a workout video. Which once again, when I find time, I attempt to watch it, but I'm sure you all know..
  • Flattens and Tones the Abs - Fast!
  • Repairs Diastasis Recti (abdominal separation)
  • Builds Core Strength and Stability
  • Easy to Follow
  • Demonstrated by Actual Postpartum Moms
  • Includes FREE fitness band!
  • Convenient - Get Fit While your Baby Naps
  • Effective Years Post Childbirth too! 

I am very pleased with these products and really wish I would've found this site sooner!
You can check out their site to find what you're looking for. You can also like their Facebook page!

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