Monday, May 19, 2014

John Paul Pet 3 Pack Review & Giveaway!

Gem, on a bad day

This review was almost perfect for me! Having used the products I received on a shi tzu named Gem and a shi tzu mix named Gizzy, they require A LOT of grooming. Gem always has the worst problems with her fur and skin! She has super sensitive skin and is constantly digging at herself from dry skin! The pet care 3 pack I was able to review contained a bottle of Oatmeal Shampoo, Ear and Eye Wipes and Oatmeal Conditioning Spray. Oat meal is generally used for food, but it's really good for sensitive skin.

Pet Care 3 Pack

So as many dog owners know, dogs get eye boogies, just like people. So having these wipes makes it slightly less gross having to clean them off your dog. More commonly in little dogs, they have tear stains, where their eyes leak some nasty stuff and leaves their fur right around their eyes a nasty brown color. These wipes are basically made for that reason. Also, for ears, dogs can't just grab a q-tip and clean their ears out, we have to help them with that. These wipes work great for getting all the nasty gunk off from around their ears. They kill bacteria and keep your dog's ears clean and smelling clean as well!
The Oatmeal Shampoo is made for sensitive skin, which as I said previously, is great for Gem! When I gave her a bath using this shampoo, she didn't try to jump out of the tub, I think it was less harmful and maybe didn't make her sore spots burn, thanks to that wonderful oatmeal! And not to mention, these products smell sooo good, when your dog gets out of the bath they smell like a cookie with legs and a tail!

As for the Oatmeal Conditioning Spray, I sprayed this on the dogs when they were finished with their baths. This is great for dogs with longer hair. Those spots right behind the ears and on their back legs that always seems to get tangled up, yeah, this stuff makes untangling those spots so much easier and way less painful for the dogs! It also leaves your dogs hair smelling fresh and feeling soft and clean! I was not disappointed with these products!

As you can see below, John Paul Pet offers a very large variety of stuff to help keep you beloved pet clean and smelling fresh!
Other products!

You can check out their other products at their website! You can also like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter, Pinterest & Instagram! Also, if you would like additional information or deals, sign up for their newsletter!

Giveaway Time!!
John Paul Pets has offered you all a chance to win the Pet Care 3 Pack I have reviewed.
**Giveaway Starts: 5/21/14 @ 1PM**
**Giveaway Ends: 5/28/14 @ 1PM**
Good Luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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