Sunday, May 25, 2014

Chop Saver Review!

During the harsh Michigan winters, I always get super chapped lips! This year it was really bad! I found a website that was great for that reason! ChopSaver was made for musicians, I have never really played an instrument so I don't know the difficulties of playing a wind instrument with chapped lips, but I could just about imagine! These chap sticks are all natural and come in two varieties; Gold and Original.

Over the winter we just had, my lips were the worst I think they have ever been. When I received my ChopSaver, I was excited for some relief! Yeah, it took a couple days to get my lips back to "normal", but they really did feel better after applying just the first time!

You can visit them at their website where you read more information about the advantages of this chap stick. You can also go straight to purchase, find where to buy and tons of other stuff!
Make sure to like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter and subscribe to their YouTube channel!

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