Saturday, May 17, 2014

TheraPearl Review and Giveaway!!

As I was adventuring on Google one day, looking at the most random things, I came across this site. So I was like, "why not?" Well, they sent me a back wrap, since I've had back issues for years.

These nifty little contraptions are great when you are in pain. You can make them hot in the microwave or cold in the freezer! 

The back wrap is a good sized wrap, it doesn't cover your back from top to bottom, but if you turn it around and lay on it, it would be perfect!

You can also find other wraps for different body parts at TheraPearl!

Giveaway Time!!
TheraPearl has also offered a giveaway for one lucky winner to win the same back wrap that I have. If you have pack pains, muscle aches or anything of the sort, I suggest entering this giveaway! Totally worth it!
**Giveaway Starts: 5/18/14 @ 12AM ** 
**Giveaway Ends: 5/25/14 @ 12AM **
Good Luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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