Tuesday, May 6, 2014

SexyPop Popcorn Review

I got some more food to review for you all, this time, it's popcorn! Good popcorn! I received five different flavors to taste out: Brazilian Coconut, Black pepper, Bangin' Cheddar, Lightly Salted and French Butter.

I tried the Brazilian Coconut flavor first. I had to share it with Jordin while my other son was sleeping, He wouldn't leave me alone for more! Sadly, we ate the whole bag, and it was delicious! It was a sweet popcorn, but not like caramel corn or kettle corn. I would've liked it better if it had more coconut flavor to it, but it was still delicious!

The Black Pepper was my least favorite, I'm not a big pepper fan on any of my food, but I gave it a taste. It left a pepper taste in my mouth, it was almost spicy.

Then, there's the Bangin' Cheddar! Mmm Cheddar Popcorn! Another great flavor!

The lightly salted was also on my 'not a fan' list. It was more plain, like a natural popcorn.

The French Butter was like your classic buttered popcorn. It was good.

All five flavors were good, I liked some better than others. Brazilian Coconut was my favorite, my son's as well, while the Black pepper was my least favorite.

This popcorn is low on calories as well, for those of you trying to lose weight but love popcorn!

You can get your SexyPop Popcorn at their website. Also, make sure to like them on Facebook!

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