Saturday, June 21, 2014

Evolve Skin LLC Review & Giveaway!

I received a deodorant bar from Evolve Skin LLC to review. It was so different from any deodorant I've ever used; it came in a biodegradable wrapper and was shaped like a peanut butter cup, it was cute. Apparently my kids thought it was a peanut butter cup; they got a hold of it and tried eating it!

This company has all vegan products, so they are healthy and natural. They are PETA approved, which is amazing to me! I hate when people feel the need to harm animals to test products. With this deodorant, it is best stored in the fridge. Evolve Skin also offers Lotions, Body Scrubs, Facial Toner Mists, Body Butter, Lip Balm and a Flight pack, which includes sample sizes of some of their products.

The Deodorant they sent me slightly smells like Lavender, but not to overpowering, it is also their best seller! I was very pleased with this deodorant.

I don't have a picture of the bar I got, because the kids pretty much demolished it, and it's all smooshed now.

You can check out their website and order yours. Like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter and Instagram!

Giveaway Time!!
Evolve Skin LLC has offered a giveaway for one winner to get a deodorant bar!
** Giveaway Starts: 6/22/14 @ 12AM **
** Giveaway Ends: 6/29/14 @ 12AM **
Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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