Thursday, April 24, 2014

Nick's Sticks Jerky Sticks Review!

Ahh! More jerky! I am loving this! The Nick's Sticks company was nice enough to let me try their completely delicious jerky sticks! Regular beef, spicy beef, regular turkey and spicy turkey. They were all really good! I liked the turkey ones better than the beef, but I ate them all! Well, I shared them with my kids, I had to, they don't let me eat anything without them trying it.

I was really happy that these jerky sticks were more healthy than the jerky you buy in stores. There are no additives, no preservatives, no MSG, no antibiotics, no hormones, no fillers and no red dye #3 in their casings. 
Nick's Sticks also treats their animals very humanely. Their cows are grass fed, and their turkeys are free range, non of that chemical and hormone filled crap most other places feed their animals to make them grow faster. This is always nice to read, I am a HUGE animal lover! Growing up, I lived on a farm. We would raise our cows, pigs, chickens and more and then get them butchered. It was always hard, but it's a part of life and I learned that the hard way.

You can find you Nick's Sticks at their website, also you can read more about their company and their animals.
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