Sunday, May 18, 2014

Barbara's Cookie Pie Review!!

I recently was able to review Barbara's Peanut Butter Cup Cookie pie and it was delicious! She was nice enough to let me indulge in yet another one of her amazingly delicious pies! This time, it was a Chocolate Raspberry flavored one! I really enjoyed this one a lot more than that last, I think mostly because the cookie crust was like a soft chewy cookie instead of a hard crunchy one. They were both sooo good though!

This pie had raspberry filling with chocolate drizzled on top! Normally I can't stand eating raspberries because of the seeds, but I honestly can't remember if there were seeds in it, yeah, it was that good! And yes, the kids and I ate the whole pie... I feel horrible to admit that, but we couldn't resist!

I really look forward to trying out another pie from Barbara's! They would make a great gift idea for anyone with a sweet tooth! You can get yours and see all the other yummy looking stuff at her website!!

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